- Description
A personal favorite - the full city roast is a medium to dark roast which results in a rich dark bean with slight surface oils. A happy medium of flavors with a slightly reduced caffeine content, The full city roast is truly aromatic with a bittersweet aftertaste.
Grown on the slopes of Hualalai in Kona on the big island in the heart of the Kona Coffee Belt. Absolutely no chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides have ever been used in the production of this highly prized 100% Kona, single estate grown, organic coffee. Hand weeding, selective use of OMRI approved certified organic fertilizers, and meticulous selection of only the perfectly ripe cherry has resulted in a coffee, which exemplifies the true taste of Kona. Herbecide and pesticide free.
Every pound of roasted coffee is produced by skillfully hand picking 7.5 pounds of ripe "cherry" fruit. The "cherry" is then pulped, fermented, sun dried, sorted, packaged and shipped with care to provide a product of superior quality. Typically, pure organic Kona coffee is only available from specialty retailers at costs of 35 to 55 dollars a pound. KRKN Coffee is offering this amazing and limited quantity Coffea product at a discounted price to our customers in an effort to share what we have found to be a superior coffee. It would be fruitless for us to make an attempt at breaking into a very congested Coffee market, and so in light of this we'd like to offer this exceptional product at a price that leaves us with just margin enough to cover our own expense in bringing it to you. Enjoy! - Reviews